How to Responsibly Leave an Inheritance to Your Grandchildren
Estate planning attorneys frequently hear from their clients, “I’d like to leave something to my grandchildren. What’s the best way to do...
Preparing for a possible reduction in the Estate Tax Exemption
In late May of this year, the U.S. Treasury released a publication detailing a number of the proposed tax code changes that the Biden...
Myths We Tell Ourselves about Estate Planning
Estate planning can be a very difficult process. While it is not brain surgery, making the decision to move forward with an estate plan...
Wokuhe Uniswap and Minting Services
Wood, Kull, Herschfus, Obee & Kull, PC announces its intention to list the WoKuHe ERC20 token on uniswap. "Most companies minting crypto...
Introducing the WKH Ethereum Token
On May 23, 2021, attorney and shareholder Robert J. Kull minted the firm’s first cryptocurrency token known as the Wokuhe with symbol...
You should have received your 2020 notice of property tax assessment by now. This is the local assessor’s form that says in bold all caps...